Volunteer Firefighter Tire Program
August 8, 2023
Dear Volunteer Firefighters of Iowa,
The Iowa Firefighters Association presented an idea for a tire bill at the beginning of the 2023 legislative assembly. The idea was to save the volunteer firefighter’s money by using the states buying power to put tires on a vehicle they use when responding to calls. With the hard work of the Iowa Firefighters Association board and our lobbyist John & Cyndi Pederson the idea made it all the way to the governor’s desk to be signed into law and went into effect July 1, 2023.
What this means for volunteer firefighters of Iowa. House file 603 allows Iowa volunteer firefighters the opportunity to purchase a set of new tires using the states discounted rate. This bill provides that a volunteer emergency services provider shall be authorized to purchase no more than one set of tires every 3 years under a master contract for tires established by the department of administrative services (DAS). The bill defines a volunteer emergency services provider as a volunteer fire fighter, a person performing the functions of an emergency medical care provider who is not paid full-time.
If authorized by the fire chief, the enrolled volunteer firefighter may purchase four vehicle tires every three years through the fire department or municipality’s contract to purchase tires under the state discount authority. The firefighter must have served at least three full years of duty to receive this benefit. The authorization must be on Fire Department or Municipality letterhead. There is an example on the Iowa Firefighters Association web site under the legislation tab. The volunteer firefighter shall be responsible for all related costs that are associated with the purchase of the set of tires. The purchase can only include passenger or light truck tires and tires cannot be purchased for commercial use. The discount only applies to tires that are under the state contract.
The firefighter can choose the tire shop of their preference to purchase the tires. There are only certain tires on the state contract and this contract will cover all vehicles but not every size or style of tire out there. Some tire shops my not deal with government sales so you might have to go with a second choice.
For the tire shops, you can treat this as any other net state or government sale. For this to work it must be billed under the municipality the fire department is under. The firefighter will have to pay the invoice in full at the time of completion. The invoice must include all tires (at the discounted rate) parts, labor and taxes. If you have any questions, please reach out to me and I will help any way I can.
I would like to thank all of the Senators and House Representatives for working with the Iowa Firefighters Association and supporting the volunteer firefighters of Iowa.
Best regards,
Jason Barrick
IFA Past President 2022-2023
Hardin County Tire Manager
IFA Board of Directors
Chuck Raska, President
Roger Carr, 1st Vice
Aaron Clemons, 2nd Vice
Kent Brix, 3rd Vice
Mike Kime, 4th Vice
Rick Schmidt, 5th Vice