Awards & Scholarships

IFA Awards Program

We are looking for departments and individuals that are current members with the IFA that have been great supporters of the Iowa Firefighters Association and the Fire Service, in at least one of a number of areas such as: fire prevention, legislation, convention, membership, etc. We have two categories for nominations: Individual and Department.

If you know of an individual or a department that you feel is deserving of this honor please complete the below application and letter of nomination to the IFA office via mail or email.

Please limit your nomination letter to 150 words or less.

Send your nominations in between October 1st and December 15th.

The board will choose the winners at the January budget meeting and make the presentation at the 2025 Mid Year Meeting in Cedar Falls, IA. The individual winner will receive a plaque and two dinner tickets to the banquet. The winning department will receive a plaque and ten dinner tickets to the banquet. There are many deserving members of the association, let them know their hard work and dedication doesn’t go unnoticed and nominate them for this award!

Please submit your nominations to:

Iowa Firefighters Association
PO Box 10
Milford, NE 68405



Cliff Renslow IFA Scholarship Program

A scholarship in the amount of $500 for a high-school or college student wishing to pursue educational commitment in the field of fire science.

The applicant must submit an application and an essay of 500 words or less about their goals, community service, hobbies and why he or she wants to receive a degree in fire science, to the IFA Board of Directors by the application deadline. The applicant must be planning to attend an accredited Iowa college to obtain a degree in Fire Science.

The application process will remain open from October 1st to December 15th.

Scholarships will be paid to the student when they complete the first semester with a 3.00 GPA or better. The student shall submit the proof of the GPA to the Executive Director of the IFA. The check would be made out to the student for the scholarship to be used for tuition, books, housing, or whatever the student needs.

The IFA Board of Directors would be responsible for choosing the winning applicant at the January work session. The winner will be announced at the Annual Mid-Year meeting.

Applicants must send completed forms to:

Iowa Firefighters Association
PO Box 10
Milford, Nebraska 68405

