The Official Publication of the Iowa Firefighters Association
Publisher Information:
The Iowa Firefighter Newspaper is published every month and mailed to nearly 16,000 Iowa firefighters in over 800 cities in Iowa. By advertising in the Iowa Firefighter, you will be reaching the majority of the firefighters in the state. Included in the Iowa Firefighter each month are interesting feature stories, fire department features, columns from the IFA officers, columns from the state Fire Marshal and the Chief of the Fire Service Training Bureau, upcoming events, classified ads, display ads, Iowa Firefighters Memorial Wall updates, letters to the editor, Iowa fire service legislative information, IFA history articles, IFA Board Meeting minutes and various statewide fire and extrication articles.
Published By:
Blaze Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548
Editor: Jeff Gargano
News and Advertising:
News and advertising deadlines are the 10th day of each month for the next month’s issue.
News and Editorial Contact: Jeff Gargano at
Advertising rate card available upon request. We welcome your views, opinions, news tips and questions. Letters to the Editor must be accompanied by a name and daytime telephone number, and may be edited for space. The Iowa Firefighter reserves the right to revise or reject at its discretion any advertisement or article it deems objectionable, whether in subject matter, wording or makeup.
A subscription to the Iowa Firefighter is included as one of the benefits of membership in the Iowa Firefighters Association. Individuals that are not currently involved in a fire department but are interested in belonging to the Iowa Firefighters Association are eligible for an Affiliate membership. Dues are $21 and will include a subscription to the Iowa Firefighter. Please contact the IFA Executive Director at the address, phone or e-mail listed below to become a member.
Change of Address:
Please forward all change of address requests to:
Iowa Firefighters Association
P.O. Box 10
Milford, NE 68405
Phone: (402) 326-4347